Living my best life as this hit my inbox on the day that I’m planning to take a trip to Roosevelt Island! I’m about to rattle off so much information to my poor unsuspecting boyfriend…

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Please apologize to him on my behalf!

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I’m also subscribed to Cafe Anne, but I found you both independently off each other. It’s just so amazing, but understandably logical, that you are friends. So happy that two of my favorite authors are friends!

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I've only "met" Anne online, but hopefully we will collaborate on something one of these days! She is great!

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Looking forward to the collaboration with Anne! She’s very funny and fun too, her humor is different from yours. She’s more visceral and immediate, like she gets on a cab and tells them to drive her anywhere. Be ready for these spur-of-the-moment actions when you do the collab😄

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Now I'm scared!

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"...in perhaps the cruelest punishment of all, he had to move to New Jersey..."

Damn, New Yorkers have some issues with Jersey!

If I had been the Warden of the prison I would make sure those hoods got extra time for burning up the entire contents of the prison library. I have worked in libraries and hold them in high esteem.

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Haha, couldn’t resist mining the old trope, but rest assured I love NJ (some parts anyway). #jerseystrong

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It definitely made me laugh!

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I came to you via Cafe Anne. Between the two of you I need no other take on New York, since I already have a set of NYC bus maps 🐰

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To be included in such illustrious company as CAFÉ ANNE and MYA Bus Maps is an honor! Glad you are here Kevin!

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I’m here because of Cafe Anne too, couldn’t be happier!

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Anne rocks!

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I am for sure naming my next dog “Screwhater.”

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It really is a great, all purpose name for a pet. I'd love to hear you yelling his name at the top of your lungs in Cadman Plaza

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“the more sanely I talked and acted, the crazier I was thought to be.” This is my experience in general.

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“Disney World also has an AVAC, but, technically, it’s a kingdom.” OMG Rob, you are the BEST.

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Well it is isn't it? A magic one at that!

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There’s a strong ‘Far Side’ vibe to the photo of the man and goose.

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😂 What's the caption though?

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"George! For God's sake get off your phone and help me find the car!"

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Thank you for another interesting, well-written piece that’s got everything - facts, history, humor, and horror! When I first subscribed, I looked forward to the facts and history of the place. Then I realized you also make me laugh, thank you for that wonderful gift! Now there is also the horror (but not complaining) of the asylums, although it’s a question who are more insane, the inmates or the city planners!

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Thanks Raquel! I definitely think the planners win that competition. Glad to have found an audience for my attempts at humor as my kids are always cringing..

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Found my way here from Cafe Anne, and this is another great issue. The AVAC system on the island is FASCINATING! I can't wait to read more about it. Gonna do some research.

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Thanks Justin, happy to have a fellow Cafe Anne fan here! AVAC is the future! Or at least it was in 1971

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I visited Roosevelt Island last March. Amazingly, up to that point, I had never been there, despite spending my first two decades only two miles away on the Upper West.

It was a great visit. I completed a circumambulation of the island, got plenty of great photos, and my only regret is not having returned yet.

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Besides tourists who take the tram, I think it is really under appreciated/visited . It's just one cronut bakery or trendy eatery away from blowing up. Let's hope that doesn't happen!

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Whoa, the whole garbage sucking thing is fascinating. I like roosevelt Island. I can't quite describe the feeling I get when you stand at the end and get that view of the city skyline in all directions. It's kind of exhilarating. My cousin lived on the island for a year sometime in the late 90s. It's been a trip to watch all the development happen and Cornell Tech build up too. One of the co-founders of the startup I was in 10 years ago is one of the founding faculty so I would get an earful about it while it was under construction. It still feels so surreal to have that campus on Roosevelt Island. It's like stepping into bizarro world to me for some reason. I need to make a trip back!

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It is so unlike everywhere else in the city, I love it! With LICs rampant development, the island is surrounded by glass and steel but insulated by the swiftly moving currents of the East River. The Cornell campus really is surreal. I am tempted to spend a night in the hotel there but I may just settle for a drink from the rooftop bar.

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This has been brilliant reading, thank you! When I visited New York in 1980, I went to RI, as someone I knew through work lived there. We travelled across on some sort of cable car. Is that still running?

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Hi Debs, glad you liked it! I imagine RI was quite different in 1980, though parts of it much the same. The cable car is still the most fun way to get there, as long as you aren't afraid of heights!

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It appeared to be a small and quiet neighbourhood at the time, but I'm not at all surprised there's been lots of development - that close to Manhattan, how could it not be.

I am afraid of heights as it happens, but that cable car was large enough for me to cope. Little ones - like you get in the mountains - are way too scary for me!

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If you search for images of the Dreyfus affair, you’ll see the poor captain was also subjected to a formal military degradation ceremony (cashiering), during which a guard broke Dreyfus’ sword (on his own knee, not Dreyfus’ head, mercifully) and ripped off Dreyfus’ uniform insignia (stripes, badges, etc.) in full view of Dreyfus’ former (military?) companions.

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That's quite a story! Thanks for bringing it up! Put me in the Dreyfusard camp.

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Enjoyed this history and tour of Roosevelt Island. Hard to choose which of your one-liners were more funny: "...in perhaps the cruelest punishment of all, he had to move to New Jersyey..." or "Disney World also has an AVAC, but, technically, it’s a kingdom." Thanks for the ride!

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Thanks Renato! And apologies to all Jerseyites - low hanging fruit.

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I used to live there. Thank you for this.

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Hope I did your old neighborhood justice!

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I'm picturing a room in a Swedish office building where they have to answer support calls from RI. "uh, hi, there's another body in the trash tube." "yes, we already tried rebooting the system." "wait, never mind...bye."

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Apparently, for intractable clogs they ramp up the pressure to maximum force and blow any blockages out of the tubes so...Ingen ko på isen

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This might be my fave issue yet!

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Well, it's definitely my longest! Thanks Wesley!

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