It's a jaunty number for sure, but nothing compared to the favored attire of the original bad boy of Pedestrianism, Edward Payson Weston. He was known to wear a "frilled shirt and black leather leggings with a blue sash and a white walking stick." He also once spent 41 hours walking backwards for 200 miles around St. Louis and walked (presumably forwards) from NYC to San Francisco in 100 days when he was 70!
A fauteuil, btw, is a seat, not a variety of French baked good as I had originally supposed.
Well you can always enjoy a feuilleté while you recline on your fauteuil.
Please explain Charles Rowell’s walking attire.
It's a jaunty number for sure, but nothing compared to the favored attire of the original bad boy of Pedestrianism, Edward Payson Weston. He was known to wear a "frilled shirt and black leather leggings with a blue sash and a white walking stick." He also once spent 41 hours walking backwards for 200 miles around St. Louis and walked (presumably forwards) from NYC to San Francisco in 100 days when he was 70!
OK now I see a big glossy coffee table book, "The Bad Boys of Pedestrianism."