This weekly newsletter is a not-so-deep dive into every neighborhood in NYC in an effort to create some sort of photographic document of modern-day New York, or at least a record of what I find interesting* on any particular day. I know I will be leaving out a ton of things that could be considered crucial to the understanding of a particular neighborhood and including stuff that will leave some scratching their heads, but this isn’t meant to be a complete or even accurate representation of a place, just my reaction to it. With a mix of old and new pictures and field recordings, I hope this project will add something to the substantial body of work that has already been made about the city.
I’m Rob Stephenson, a photographer and musician living and working in Brooklyn, NY. My work primarily focuses on exploring the urban condition by examining the landscapes and architecture that define it.
I’ve received fellowships from the Design Trust for Public Space, The Camera Club of New York, and the New York Foundation for Arts. My photographs have been commissioned by The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, T Magazine, and Businessweek, and I have published two books, Myths of the Near Future, exploring the post-Shuttle landscape in the Space Coast of Florida and From Roof to Table, documenting the urban agriculture movement in New York City. You can see more of my work on my website
*Things I find interesting: vernacular architecture, urban planning, trees, adaptive reuse, storefront churches, handball walls, rocks, dead ends, bus stops, infrastructure, borders, squirrels.
Each neighborhood of the city appeared to be made of a different substance, each seemed to have a different air pressure, a different psychic weight: the bright lights and shuttered shops, the housing projects and luxury hotels, the fire escapes and city parks
Teju Cole, Open City, 2012
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I’m a photographer currently working on a project documenting every neighborhood in New York through photographs, field recordings, and writing. I've published books on the end of the Space Shuttle program and urban agriculture in NYC.